Tuesday 20 September 2011

Eat A Smart Salad

Salads are easy to prepare and most important they loaded with lots of health benefits. Simply mix some vegetables and fruits and your choice of salad is ready to be serve.

Here are the health benefits of salads :

You can live longer. Eating a little good fat (like olive oil, avocado & nuts) with your vegetables helps your body to absorb protective phytochemicals. A diet that includes lots of olive oil and raw vegetables is believed to reduced mortality.

Prevent obesity. Salad are low in calories and also makes you have feeling of fullness and thus reduces the total of calories consume during each meal. You will end up eating less calories-rich food.

High in fibre. All salads contain high amount of fibre and can help prevent constipation and reduce cholesterol level in the body. Assist in weight loss too.

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