Swisscorr Apple Stem Cell

Apple Stem Cell rejuvenation drinks consists 6 major scientifically proven effecive anti-aging ingredients. Swiss Apple Stem Cell is currently the only ingredient which clinically tested to stimulate 80% regeneration of human skin stem cell. You could fell the significant difference in just 10 days.

About SWISSCORR Apple Stem Cell
Stem Cell extracted from the rare Swiss Uttwiler Spatlauber apple has been hailed as the most exciting breakthrough in the treatment of ageing and damaged skin. After many years of research, Swiss coSWISSCORR mpany Mibelle Bochemistry launched it in 2008 under the name PhytoCellTec™ Malus Domestica.

SWISSCORR Apple Stem Cell works by stimulating a person’s own skin stem cells, effectively activating and restoring the skin’s ability to regenerate and protect itself from within. As the number of skin stem cells depleted with age, wrinkles and general loss of youthful condition occurs. Test has proven that Uttwiler Spatlauber has reduced wrinkles by 15% in 4-week trial. It also guards skin from UV radiation and the ability to delay ageing of hair follicles – an exciting Possibility of treating hair loss problem.

The Uttwiler Spatlauber is already creating headlines around the world, with First Lady Michelle Obama, actor Helen Mirren and Jennifer Lopez already using it.

SWISSCORR Apple Stem Cell Benefits

  • Enhance Cell renewal and rejuvenation

  • Increase stamina and energy Level
  • Improving your alertness and mental performance
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Increase elasticity in the arteries, veins and capillaries
  • Boost the immune system
  • Increase your metabolic rate
  • Reduce excessive fat
  • Assist in the removal of toxins
  • Enhance protein formation
  • Combats choronolgical aging (Anti aging)
  • Maximum firming and moisturising of the skin
  • Greatly improves the skin texture and resilience
  • Helps to lighten the skin
  • A visible increase in radiance and glow to the skin
  • Reduce the risk of cancer and assist patients with heart disease, constipation, hemorrhoids, diabetes, etc
  • Benefits patients with Osteoarthritis and Osteoporosis

RM288 x 5gm x 30 sachets