Traditionally Homebake Biscotti


Biscotti is a traditionally Italian classic biscuit which in Italian terms means baked twice. They are perfect food for soldiers, sailors and fisherman who need sustenance while on a long journey for months at a time. Biscotti were a favourite of Christopher Columbus whom relied on this biscuit staple food on his long sea voyage.

The biscuit is thoroughly baked to draw out moisture, becoming a craker-like food and was mold resistant. Due to the baking process, biscotti have a very long shelf-life (1-3 months). There is no need to refridgerate or freeze biscotti. Just store them is an air-tight container, away from direct sunlight. If they lose their crispyness, simply toast them in low oven for a few minutes and they will be fresh and crunchy again.

Biscotti is highly recommended as a good snacking choice for calorie conscious dieters.This traditionally bake biscotti do not contain butter or oil in the ingredients. You can eat this as a meal replacement as biscotti will help to curb your appetite and help you avoid high calorie food. Try taking 2-3 pieces at a time, together with your favourite beverage and a fruit of your choice during lunch or dinner. You may lose up to 2kg in a month steadily.

Traditionally, biscotti are served with a drink, into which they are dunked. In Italy, they are served typically with wine. In modern days, they are frequently accompany by coffee, cappuccinos and lattes or black tea.

RM49.80 x 500gm per pack. Free Delivery.