Monday 31 October 2011

Stay young recipes

Try this sweet capsicum and spring onion omelette, egg is one of the sources of vitamin D essential for bone health. This recipe is definitely packed with skin saving protein ingredient.

Ingredients :

2 eggs
1/4 each of red and yellow capsicum, cubed
2 stalks spring onion, chopped
2 tbsp grated cheddar cheese
some oil for frying
salt for taste

Method :

Heat up oil in pan, add in capsicum and cook until soft, add in spring onion, cook for further 2 minuted till soft. Put aside in a bowl.
Break 2 eggs in another bowl and beat up. Pour the egg in to the pan and fry for a minute. Sprinkle some cheddar cheese onto the egg, pour in all the capsicum and spring onion and season with some salt.
Fold the omelette in half with a spatula. Cook for a minute or two and serve

Body Shapers Tips

Try these instant fashion tips to hide your problem spots instantly...

*Hips & thighs : Go for wide leg pants in dark colors. Avoid clingy dress, short jackets and loops. Try full skirted dresses too. Always choose bold pattern for your top.

Upper arms : Ditch sleeveless tops and fitted short sleeves. Three quarter length and long fluted sleeves are highly recommended.

Stomach : Avoid skinny pants and pencils skirts. Attractive and interesting design necklines and chunky necklaces draws eyes upwards. Try low-waist jeans and flat front jeans or flare skirts to elongate your shape.

Bottom : Choose wide legged or flared trousers and jeans but avoid back pockets. Structured, tailored dresses can sculpt. Draw attention away from behind with more details focus on the front. Wear long line tops in non clingy fabrics, go for A-line skirts and coats. Avoid pleated skirts.

Legs : Again, the trick is draw the eye ip by top-half color or detail. avoid shoes with ankle strap.

Chest : If you are well endowed, choose V-shaped or sweet heart neckline to lengthen your neck. Avoid smock tops and dresses and anything too tight.

Monday 26 September 2011

A Butterfly Lesson

One day, a samll opening appeared in a cocoon, a man sat and watched for the butterfly for a few hours as it struggled to force its body thru that little hole.

Then it seems to stop making any progress. It appears as if it had gotten as far as this and it could not have gone any further from here. So the man decided to help by taking a scissors and cut opened the cocoon.

Then the butterfly emerged easily and try to fly. But, it had a withered body, it was tiny, shriveled wings. The man continue to watch because he expected the butterfly to open its wings, large and expanded, able to hold the body. Neither of this happen. In fact, the butterfly was seen crawling around with a withered body and shriveled wings. It can't fly.

The man in his kindness and his goodwill did not understand that the restricting cocoon and the struggle is required for th ebutterfly to get thru the tiny opening, were the nature's way of forcing fluid from the body of thebutterfly into its wings so that it would be ready for flight once it achieved its freedom from the cocoon.

Sometimes, struggle are exactly what we need in life. If we were allowed to go thru life without any obstacle, it would cripple us. We would not be as strong as we could have been. Never ever able to fly.

Friday 23 September 2011

Non-fat Salad Dressing & "You Tiao" Salad

Make your own salad dressing....
You need :

3 eggs
300ml olive oil
1 tbs mustard
1 tsp salt
1/2 pepper
1 lemon juice

Method :

Beat egg. Add in oil bit by bit. Add lemon juice follow by all other ingredients.. Mix well until smooth.
"You Tiao" Salad
Ingredients :
3pcs 'You Tiao". cut into cube
30 gm each of pineapple, cucumber, red & yellow capsicum, onion, kiwi fruit & 1 red chilli
Sauce :

2 tbsp chilli sauce, 3 tbsp tomato sauce, 3 tbsp plum sauce, 1/2 tbsp lemon juice/vinegar, 3 tbsp sugar, one pinch of salt & 2 tbsp water.

Method :

Deep fried "You Tiao" till crispy and drain well.
Cut all vegetable & fruits in cube. Heat up the sauce till boil, add in all fruits, lastly add in "You Tiao".
Mix briskly. Serve.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Eat A Smart Salad

Salads are easy to prepare and most important they loaded with lots of health benefits. Simply mix some vegetables and fruits and your choice of salad is ready to be serve.

Here are the health benefits of salads :

You can live longer. Eating a little good fat (like olive oil, avocado & nuts) with your vegetables helps your body to absorb protective phytochemicals. A diet that includes lots of olive oil and raw vegetables is believed to reduced mortality.

Prevent obesity. Salad are low in calories and also makes you have feeling of fullness and thus reduces the total of calories consume during each meal. You will end up eating less calories-rich food.

High in fibre. All salads contain high amount of fibre and can help prevent constipation and reduce cholesterol level in the body. Assist in weight loss too.

Sunday 18 September 2011

2 banana cake recipe - Banana Cake & Banana Chiffon Cake

Banana cake

Ingredient :

A : 5 eggs
      12gm ovalette
      220gm castor sugar

B : 170ml corn oil
      230gm cake flour
      1tsp double action baking powder
       **mix all together

C. 250gm ripe pisang berangan (mashed)
     60gm evaporated milk
     1 tsp baking soda
     1tsp banana essence (optional; for more banana flavour)

 D. 2 x 9" baking tin

Method :

1. Grease the tin and preheat oven at 180c.
2. Whisk ingredient (A) in a mixing bowl at high speed until light & fluffy.
3. Add in ingredient (B) gradually and beat at low speed. Then, add in ingredient (C).
4. Pour all mixture into the baking tin and bake for 55-60 minutes.
5. Cool, cut & serve.

Banana Chiffon Cake

Ingredient :

A. 7 egg yolks
     80gm corn oil
     150gm plain flour
     140gm ripe banana, mashed

B. 7 egg whites
     120gm castor sugar
     1/2 cream of tartar

Method :

1. Combine ingredient (A) and mix well.
2. Whisk ingredient (B) until fluffy and light, and add in (A) slowly.
3. Pour all mixture into a chiffon cake mould (25cm) and bake in preheated oven at 180c for 45 
4. Leave to cool, cut and serve.

Never put your banana in the fridge

After reading this, you'll change your opinion on banana.

Bananas contain three natural sugars - glucose, sucrose and fructose together with fiber. A banana provides instant, sustained and substancial boost of energy.

It is clinically proven that two bananas provide enough energy for a strenuous 90 minute workout. Banana is the number one fruit for world leading athletes.

This fruit can also help overcome and prevent illnesses, it is essential to make it a must to add banana to our daily diet.

High blood pressure : This tropical fruit is high in potassium yet low in salt, so it is perfect to beat high blood pressure and stroke.

PMS  : The vitamin B6 in banana regulates blood glucose level. So forget the pills, eat banana.

Depression : Banana contains tryptophan, a type of protein that the body converts into serotonin, known to help you relax, improve your mood and generally make you feel happy.

Anaemia : High in iron, banana can stimulate the production of hemoglobin in the blood, so it helps in cases of anemia.

Heartburn : Bananas have a natural antacid effect in the body, so if you are suffering from heartburn, eat a banana for soothing effect.

Hangovers : Make a banana milkshake, add some honey. The banana calms the stomach, honey builds up depleted blood sugar levels, while the milk soothes and rehydrates your system. The most fastest way to cure hangovers.

Constipation : High in fiber, can help restore bowel system.

Brain power : Research have shown that high potassium fruit can help pupils to be more alert.

Morning sickness : Pregnant women can snack on bananas to keep blood sugar levels up and avoid morning sickness.

Mosquito bites : Try rubbing the affected area with the inside of banana skin. It helps reduce swelling and itch.

Nerves : Contain high vitamin B that helps calm the nervous system.

Quit smoking : Banana can help people kick smoking habit. The B6, B12, potassium and magnesium found in this fruit help body recover from the effects of nicotine withdrawal.

Strokes : Eating banana as part of a regular diet can cut the risk of death by stroke as much as 40%.

Stress : Potassium is a vital mineral, which normalize the heartbeat, sends oxygen to the brain and regulates your body water balance. When you are stressed, the metabolic rate increase, and thus reducing our potassium levels. These can be rebalanced with the help of high potassium banana snack.

So, now you know the value of banana being the remedies for many illness.

If compare to apple, it has four times the protein, two times the carbohydrate, three times the phophorus, five times Vitamin A and iron, twice the content of vitamins and mineral.

This must the reason monkeys are so happy all the time when they see bananas.

Carrot, Beet Root & Apple - Miracle Life Saving Drink

We are told that 'An apple a day, keeps the doctor away'. In fact all of us knew that apple have many health benefits; bone protection, asthma help, lower cholestrol, lung cancer prevention and the list goes on.  Now we have another reason  to heed this old advice even more. The combination of carrot, beet root and apple can protect bad cells forming in your body and restrain its growth.

Beet root are a very good source of calcium, iron, Vitamins A and C. Beetroots are an excellent source of folic acid. They are a very good source of fiber, manganese and potassium. Beet greens and beetroot are a good source of phosphorus, magnesium, iron and vitamin B6. Betacyanin is the pigment that gives beetroot its color, and has powerful antioxidant properties

Carrots contain carotene, which is converted into vitamin A by the body that helps prevents night blindness.

The combination of carrot, beet root an apple juice drink is highly nutritious and absorbs easily by our body. You will notice our body immune system improved after 2 weeks daily routine of drinking this juice every morning.

This miracle drinks is effective to prevent the following ailments :

- Prevent cancer cells to develop. It will restrain bad cells growth too
- Prevent liver, kidney, pancrease disease and it can cure ulcer as 
- Strengthen immune system
- Good for eye sight, helps in tried eyes or dry eyes
- Detoxification, good for constipation
- Lessen menstrual pain
- Assist hay fever attack

How to do :

You need one beet root, one carrot and two apples ( optional, you may use 1 or more apple).
Wash all of them clean, cut into cubes and push everything into the feed tube of the juice machine and collect the juice in the glass. You can also add some lime or lemon to give it a more refreshing touch. This can help in slimming too.

Saturday 17 September 2011

Goodness Of Lime & Cure For Diabetes

Lime is believed to have originated in India. It is an important fruit of citrus group. Acid limes are excellent source of free citric acid, natural sugar, vitamin C, calcium and phosphorus. Lime juice has been used for medicinal purposes.
The vitamin C content in lime increases the body’s resistance to disease, aids the healing of wounds and prevents damage to eyes. This vitamin C also maintains the health of teeth and other bones of body. The rind of the fruit has an oil that improves digestion and removes wind.  Take lime juice mixed with warm water in the morning is of great value in constipation.
Lime juice has alkaline reactions in the system. The juice counteracts the effects of greasy food and reduces gastric acidity.  It can also be taken with warm water to cure common cold unless one is allergic to citrus fruits.
  A small lime slit into two and sprinkled with rock salt powder could be slowly sucked on. The antihaemorrhagic properties of lime juice and magnesium sulphate in rock salt checks bleeding piles.    Lime is valuable in cystitis- inflammation of urinary bladder.    In case of scorpion sting, lime could be applied externally for the treatment and later a crystal of potassium permanganate should be kept over the sting. Lime juice is excellent for weight reduction.    Lime juice also cures dandruff and pimples, hence making it good beauty aid.

Recipe for cure of diabetes using lime :

Steam 4 limes (green lime) together with 1 chicken without head and tail. Cut limes into half, add some salt and water level just to cover the chicken. Bring to boil and simmer for one hour. Drink up the soup.
It may not taste nice, but for the sake of curing the sickness. Please bear with it. This is a traditional treatment which has proven for people whom had tried them.

Thursday 15 September 2011

More DIY Korean Recipe

Seasoned Spinach ( si-geum-chi-mu-chim)

Ingredient :

150gm spinach (separate leaves from stalks)
1/2 teaspoon chopped garlic
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon sesame oil
1/2 teaspoon toasted white sesame seed

Method :

*Boil a pot of hot water and sprinkle in some salt. Add in spinach stalks. When stalks are almost done,
  add in leaves. Remove from heat as soon as the spinach turns soft.
*Rinse spinach in cold water and drain. Squeeze out excess water with your hands.
*Cut the spinach into short sections and add in chopped garlic, salt and sesame oil. Toss well, then
  sprinkle sesame seeds over.
* Serve immediately of store in fridge up to 1 day.

Next Korean dish..... Kimchi Stew (kim-chi-ji-kae)

Ingredient :

100gm beef or chicken, thinly sliced
1 teaspoon ginger juice
2 teaspoon light soy sauce
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 teaspoon sugar
200gm kimchi
370ml water
1 square soft beancurd
1 stalk of leek


* Season beef or chicken with ginger juice, soy sauce, black pepper for 20 minutes.
* Put in marinated beef or chicken with kimchi into a pot. Add in water abd bring to boil.
* Reduce heat, then add in beancurd. Simmer for 20 minutes.
* Put in leek and serve.



How Yo Make KimChi At Home

Ingredients :

1/2 Chinese cabbage
20gm radish
40gm radish
6 tablespoon Korean chilli powder ( you can opt for local brand,ie; Adabi)
2 tablespoon chopped garlic
1/2 tablespoon ginger
2 tablespoon fish sauce
2 tablespoon salt
1 tablespoon sugar

Method :

*Cut the Chinese cabbage into chunks. Rinse and pat dry. Place into a large bowl. 
  Dissolve 1tablespoon salt into water and sprinkle over top of cabbage, marinate for 1/2 day until the  
  cabbage is soft.
*Cut radish, onion and ginger into strips, combine with chopped garlic in a large bowl, add in
  1 tablespoon salt, 1 tablespoon sugar and 2 tablespoon fish sauce.
*Add in chilli powder and mix well.
*Rinse and drain the cabbage, mix well with the mixed ingredients.
*Spoon the mixed cabbage into air-tight glass container. Keep in room temperature for 1 day, or
  refrigerate for 2 days before serving.

Over time the flavour becomes more sour, if it becomes to sour to eat on its own, you can use the Kimchi to make soups or stews as the soured Kimchi will add more flavour to these dishes. It is common in South Korea to make soups and stews with older Kimchi.

It can be eaten raw as a side-dish, or added to soups and other Korean dishes.

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Why Korean Food Are Healthy

Korean food is well known for being spicy, colourful and delicious. The most important in Korean cuisine is they have a lot of health benefit. South korea have only obesity rate of just 3.5% compare to USA -34.4%, UK - 25%, Mexico - 30% & New Zealand - 25%.

Generally, Koreans are also much healthier than many people which is very much related to their diet.An average Korean meal contains only 13% less fat than those found in diets of Americans & Europeans.

The most common ingredient used in Korean cuisine are vegetables, which are known to be full of macronutrients and micronutrients which are essential in the maintenance o good health. Whether it is fresh vegetable or fermented; vegetable like cabbage, spinach, bean sprouts, seaweed are generously used. They are also accompanied by generous used of garlic, ginger and other other beneficial spices.

When comes to meaty dish, Korean prefer lean and healthy types like lean beef, chicken breast and fish. As a result, the risks for cardiovascular disease are significantly lower.

Korean cooking method are mostly grill, stir-frying, stewing. Fermenting is the most popular ways in Korean cuisine. All of this means the food are cook in their own juice.Contrast to many food in other countries with high obesity rate which are deep fried in a lot of oil.

Adopting a Korean diet can help improve your health, help you lose weight, prevent disease and improve your general well being.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Food Is Medicine, Medicine Is Food

Headache ? Eat fish!
Eat plenty of fish, fish oil helps your headache to go away.

Prevent Stroke, Drink Tea!
Green tea is great for our immune system. It also prevent fatty deposits on artery walls if you drink daily.

Can't Sleep - Insomnia?!
Drink a cup of honey before you go to bead. It acts as tranquilizer and sedative.

Asthma? Eat Onions!
Eating lots of onion helps to ease constriction of bronchial tubes.

Stomach Upset?
Bananas will help you on this. Take one in the morning.

Arthritis? Eat Fish!
Salmon, tune, mackerel and sardines prevent arthritis. Fish contain omega oil, good for immune system.

Bone Problems ? Eat Pineapple!
Bone fractures and osteoporosis can be prevented by the manganese in pineapple.

Bladder Infection? Drink Cranberry Juice!
High acid cranberry juice controls harmful bacteria.

Premenstrual Syndrome? Eat Connflakes!
Cornflakes can help ward off PMS, help reduce depression, anxiety and fatigue.

Memory Problems? Eat Oysters!
Oysters help improve your mental functioning by supplying much needed zinc.

Cold? eat Garlic!
They help lower cholestrol too.

Breast Cancer? Eat Wheat, Bran & Cabbage!
Helps maintain estrogen at healthy level.

Lung Cancer? Eat Dark Green & Orange & Veggie!
Beta carotene, a form of vitamin A, found in dark green and orange vegetables.

Diarrhea? Eat Apples!
Grate an apple with its skin, let it turn brown and eat it to cure this condition. Bananas are also good
for this ailment.

Ulcers? Eat cabbage also!
Cabbage contains chemicals that help heal both gastric and duodenal ulcers.

Clogged Arteries? Eat Avocado!
Mono unsaturated fat in avocados lowers cholesterol.

High Blood Pressure? Eat Celery & Olive Oil!
Both contains substences that lower blood pressure.

Blood Sugar Imbalances? Eat Broccoli & Peanuts!
The chromium in broccoli and peanuts helps regulate insulin and blood sugar.

Monday 5 September 2011

Sheep vs Goat in Bio-Science


What is the difference between sheep and goat?? Cousins or brothers??...For sure, they speak differently..Sheep say baa, goat say mea....

Sheep are well known for their wool for centuries and in modern age, they are even more popular in he...alth science for their placenta.

Clinically result has shown that sheep placenta is the elixir of youth. It is used to rejuvenate body cells to prevent aging. They also have a wide range of health benefits like enhancing health vitality, improve anti-body for cancer prevention and many beauty benefits.

As for goat, their milk is known to be far more superior in nutrition compare to cow's milk. Goat's milk is ideal food for people with weak digestive power. They are easily digestible compare to cow's milk.

Rich source of protein is found in goat's milk. Amino acids derive from protein helps human body creates the foundation for your heart, brain, muscles, skin, bones, blood and millions of biochemical activities inside your body.
Goat's milk are far more easilly digest and they contains 13% more calcium, 25% more vitamin B6, 47% more vitamin A, 138% extra potassium, 3 times more niacin and a large amount of riboflavin which helps boost our body energy supply.
Sheep placenta are high inantioxidant nutrient, thus prevent cell damage and stop tumor growth. Science studies also shows that Sheep Placenta reduces the risk of heart disease by preventing artery walls blockage which can be severe to a person health condition.

Sunday 4 September 2011

Easy, Dizzy, Nice Jellies

Thinking of throwing a cocktail party with a difference, serve some very adult jelly cocktails guaranteed to make knees wobble.

Sexy Mango Smash

This aromatic jelly cocktail consist of fragrant from ginger flower, chilli, mango and lime.

10 torch of ginger flower petals. finely choped
2 1/2 red chillies, finely sliced
200ml Skyy Vodka
45ml mango puree
5 lime wedges
425ml water
45gm fine sugar
15gm agar stripes

Gently mudle the ginger flower and chillies in a glass. Add the Skyy Vodka, mango puree and lime wedges into the glass and allow the mixture to infuse for several minutes. Strain and set aside, take away the ginger flower, chilli and lime.

Boil the  water, add sugar and agar-agar. Stir till the ingredients dissolve. Remove from heat and allow them to cool down.

Add the herb infusion into the agar-agar mixture and mix well. Pour the mixture into slim, tall glasses and allow to set in the fridge.

Slide the jelly out from the glass and cut into discs like. Stack the discs in a martini glass. Sprinkle with crystal sugar and chopped ginger flower. Scoop a quenelle of frozen passion fruit passion and place it on top of the jelly.

Before serve, drizzle a little mango puree on top.

Friday 2 September 2011


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