Sunday 4 September 2011

Easy, Dizzy, Nice Jellies

Thinking of throwing a cocktail party with a difference, serve some very adult jelly cocktails guaranteed to make knees wobble.

Sexy Mango Smash

This aromatic jelly cocktail consist of fragrant from ginger flower, chilli, mango and lime.

10 torch of ginger flower petals. finely choped
2 1/2 red chillies, finely sliced
200ml Skyy Vodka
45ml mango puree
5 lime wedges
425ml water
45gm fine sugar
15gm agar stripes

Gently mudle the ginger flower and chillies in a glass. Add the Skyy Vodka, mango puree and lime wedges into the glass and allow the mixture to infuse for several minutes. Strain and set aside, take away the ginger flower, chilli and lime.

Boil the  water, add sugar and agar-agar. Stir till the ingredients dissolve. Remove from heat and allow them to cool down.

Add the herb infusion into the agar-agar mixture and mix well. Pour the mixture into slim, tall glasses and allow to set in the fridge.

Slide the jelly out from the glass and cut into discs like. Stack the discs in a martini glass. Sprinkle with crystal sugar and chopped ginger flower. Scoop a quenelle of frozen passion fruit passion and place it on top of the jelly.

Before serve, drizzle a little mango puree on top.

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