Saturday 17 September 2011

Goodness Of Lime & Cure For Diabetes

Lime is believed to have originated in India. It is an important fruit of citrus group. Acid limes are excellent source of free citric acid, natural sugar, vitamin C, calcium and phosphorus. Lime juice has been used for medicinal purposes.
The vitamin C content in lime increases the body’s resistance to disease, aids the healing of wounds and prevents damage to eyes. This vitamin C also maintains the health of teeth and other bones of body. The rind of the fruit has an oil that improves digestion and removes wind.  Take lime juice mixed with warm water in the morning is of great value in constipation.
Lime juice has alkaline reactions in the system. The juice counteracts the effects of greasy food and reduces gastric acidity.  It can also be taken with warm water to cure common cold unless one is allergic to citrus fruits.
  A small lime slit into two and sprinkled with rock salt powder could be slowly sucked on. The antihaemorrhagic properties of lime juice and magnesium sulphate in rock salt checks bleeding piles.    Lime is valuable in cystitis- inflammation of urinary bladder.    In case of scorpion sting, lime could be applied externally for the treatment and later a crystal of potassium permanganate should be kept over the sting. Lime juice is excellent for weight reduction.    Lime juice also cures dandruff and pimples, hence making it good beauty aid.

Recipe for cure of diabetes using lime :

Steam 4 limes (green lime) together with 1 chicken without head and tail. Cut limes into half, add some salt and water level just to cover the chicken. Bring to boil and simmer for one hour. Drink up the soup.
It may not taste nice, but for the sake of curing the sickness. Please bear with it. This is a traditional treatment which has proven for people whom had tried them.

1 comment:

  1. Good article. I just repost them here Traditional Cure (green lime chicken soup) for Diabetes for anyone would may want to try it. With regard to another similar article see here:
